5 Quick and Easy Tips for Easing Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a common condition involving pain on the bottom of the foot. Generally the pain is the worst in the morning. Those first few steps are typically agonizing. The pain also tends to increase at the end of the day or after prolonged standing and walking. Symptoms can be primarily in the arch of the foot, at the heel or along the entire surface heel to toe. Conditions labeled “itis” commonly involve inflammation of a part of the body. So, PF refers to inflammation of the plantar fascia, a strong connective tissue that covers most of the bottom surface of the foot. The cause of PF is most commonly related to prolonged use of poor footwear such as flip-flops or frequent running, jogging or walking while wearing unsupportive or broken down footwear with poor arch support. There are other possible causes as well because not all individuals require arch support.

Here are 5 tips that you can try to ease your PF pain… Continue reading “5 Quick and Easy Tips for Easing Plantar Fasciitis”