Is It Really “Bursitis?”

Diagnosed with bursitis?

I have heard many aches and pains described as “bursitis” over the years. Many of my clients consider bursitis a chronic medical condition typically saying something like this, “Oh, I’ve had hip pain for 10 years. My doctor says it’s just bursitis.”

I often wonder, does this person know what bursitis is? Are they sure that it is something you can even have for 10 straight years? Well, it depends on the circumstance for their visit to me, but every chance I get I try to set the record straight. After all, education is key. Plato said, “If a man neglects education, he walks lame to the end of his life.” How true, right? Especially if your bursitis is in your hip! Continue reading “Is It Really “Bursitis?””

It’s Called a Rotator Cuff and SOMETIMES It Needs Repaired…

rotator cuff injury

I’ve heard the muscles of the shoulder called many things including “rotary cup or rotor cup,” but the correct term is actually rotator cuff, and it is a very commonly treated area of the body. Whether torn or sprained, pre or post-surgery, the diagnosis of rotator cuff injury comes across my desk frequently as a physical therapist.

What a rotator cuff is and what can make it hurt:

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that work to stabilize the shoulder joint when you move your arm. In other words, they hold the ball in the socket. Probably their most important job is to keep the ball of the joint from being raised up too high, causing the rotator cuff to be pinched or impinged by the top of the shoulder joint. This joint is also known as the acromion (or that bony point on the top of your shoulder). Continue reading “It’s Called a Rotator Cuff and SOMETIMES It Needs Repaired…”